Positive Psychology & Mindfulness

PLEASE read this before anything else!

Overall, my intention is to accompany you on your life’s path. Together we create a space for deep transformation, and we explore experiences with non-judgement, compassion and curiosity. This helps to change patterns of behaviour and bring acceptance, more calm and deeper meaning to life. I will work with you so that you can leave with more clarity, insight, and empowerment.

It’s all about discovery, exploration and application of your own character strengths – i.e. perseverance, bravery, curiosity, hope, kindness, fairness, leadership etc. It is also about deepening awareness and improving how we pay attention in life – the quality by which we eat, walk, work, listen, and experience joy and peace. It’s not only about your own happiness, it is about the happiness of those around you too.

Change takes time (we work on changing beliefs and habits), so the whole PPC (positive psychology coaching) process will typically last 3 months (sometimes longer), over 12 coaching sessions.

I offer coaching sessions meant to help you reach your goals. My coaching programs are based on Positive Psychology, Mindfulness for Character Strengths Development (MBSP) and mindfulness meditation.

The coaching process:
You want to feel content on a steady basis? Curious about your unique character strengths and how you can use them to your advantage? You know what you want, you know you can do it, but you feel stuck or loose your motivation to follow through? Get in touch and book a free-of-charge consultation! Please fill in the 2 mandatory fields, otherwise your request will not be considered valid.

This first meeting is to get to know each other a bit and discuss your current needs. We first need to make sure that coaching is right for you and your current situation. You will find out what a coaching process involves and will be able to address any questions you might have. This is when we sign the coaching agreement and establish the calendar.

I offer Positive Psychology coaching, and I use tools like positive psychology interventions, mindfulness meditation and Mindfulness for Character Strengths Development.

The 1st meeting is usually a 90 minutes SELF-DISCOVERY call, where we will:

Find out how happy we are right now (so we can compare with the final result when the coaching ends)
Find out what your core strengths are and what you will build on
Understand how the coaching process works
Establish our strategy

4. BETWEEN SESSIONS – I expect you to take action
This is important, so that we make sure that you take strides forward in action, and not merely learn and gain insight on a theoretical level.

Some clients stop after they reached their goal. You can do the same. But then again there are clients that want to go on, because they want to continue their growth. If that is what you want, just let me know.

Our sessions usually take place online (on a platform similar to Zoom) and last 45 minutes. You will receive the link after payment is confirmed.

In advance, either via bank transfer or via wire transfer.

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